Accessing the database

FastX uses the couchdb database to store and transfer information across multiple systems. There are times when direct access to the database may be necessary (e.g. to fix an installation error). Accessing the database is considered an advanced option as most things can be accomplished through the FastX user interface.


Enabling access

  1. Edit the file:  /usr/lib/fastx/var/loca/db/couchdb.ini
  2. Under the [admins] section, add  <your_admin_name> = <your_cleartext_password>
  3. Save the file
    • The cleartext password will be encrypted when you restart the couchdb process
    • Do not edit the fastx fastxadmin line.  This is an admin used by the fastx web server.  The fastxadmin password changes every time the the web server is restarted.

Logging in

  1. From the linux machine that FastX is installed on, open a browser to http://localhost:5989/_utils
  2. Enter in the admin username and password from the previous step.

You now have access to the database.  From here you can modify any of the records.  CouchDB stores all records as json objects.

For more information please see the CouchDB docs