Creating a Web Connection

Advanced users may want to connect using the Web Connection.  The Web Connection allows advanced authentication methods (SSH,SAML etc) as well as certain other clustering features not available when using the SSH Connection alone.

FastX Desktop Client:
FastX Desktop Client

Creating a Web Connection

Click on the desktop plus button in the Connection Browser and choose Web

The Web Connection Dialog Box will appear

FastX Web Client



Display Name of the Web Connection


Url of the web connection.  This is the same Url you would put in the browser if you were using the Browser Client.  Note that if you use the http protocol, all information will be sent unencrypted.


Username of the user you will log in as

Ignore SSL errors

HTTPS connections run over SSL channels.  If your web server has a self-signed certificate, the Client will automatically reject the certificate as invalid and the connection will fail.  Check this box and retry and the connection should succeed

Force SSH authentication

FastX has multiple ways to authenticate via the Web.  By default, FastX authenticates using SSH over the web.  Advanced authentication methods will open up a web browser dialog to attempt authentications.  Check this box to ignore the web browser dialog and always try the default authentication