Licensing Errors
- Activation key not found in database
- No license for product (-1)
- Read Error From Network (-105)
- Bad hostname for network connect (-131)
- Key already used
- No hostids available
- Host not found
- wrong host for license (-4)
- System clock has been set back (-40)
- Not on the named user list (-45)
- Uncounted license on Terminal Server is disabled (-46)
- HELLO message for wrong server (-107)
- Connection refused at server (-111)
- Cannot connect to specified URL (-132)
- Requested version not supported (-6)
- License Server Debugging Logs
Activation key not found in database
This error means that you have entered in an invalid activation key for your product. This error message will also appear if you try to register a floating license with X-Win32, rather than the license server Check that your activation key is typed correctly and retry.
The error can also indicate that the user is registering a RLM license server using the RLM interface. This will produce the following error.
Error generating License: -1021
Activation key not found in database
Attempting to access license generator at:
The activation key you supplied was not found.
Please check the key and ensure that you have entered it correctly.
Please register go to the following link for instructions on registering the RLM license server.
No license for Product (-1)
You are trying to use a node locked key with a license server or you have not pointed your product to the license server.
You are using a 2010 key on X-Win32 2011 or 2012
Please contact your system admin for the correct key
All licenses in use (-22)
All your licenses are currently being used by other users. If you purchased more licenses, you may not have registered the new licenses. Go to, add in your license key, and add the same hostId to register more licenses
Read Error From Network (-105)
This issue usually means that a firewall is blocking your license server ports.
RLM uses two ports by default 5053 and 57889.
You can check what ports you are running the license server on by opening the license.lic file in notepad (or equivalent)
HOST localhost 1234556778 5053
ISV starnet port=57889
If port= is missing, then RLM uses a random port.
Make sure the two ports in your firewall are open
Bad hostname for network connect (-131)
There is something wrong with what you put in your host name when trying to connect to the license server
Start X-Win32
Right click on the system tray icon > Help > Activate license
Enter in the Hostname or IP address of the license server
Press OK
No hostids available
StarNet Products require a valid hostid in order to activate properly. A hostid is usually the MAC address of your system. For information on finding your host id see Host Id
To resolve this issue, activate your network card on your system and ensure you have a valid MAC address.
Flash Users require a USB drive with a Serial Number. See Conforming USB Drive to check if your drive is a valid device.
Not on the named user list (-45)
Floating licenses maintain a list of user names of people who can access the rlm server. This list is automatically populated each time a new user connects until the server runs out of licenses. The next new user will receive this error. You can edit the named user list from the rlm web server interface
Go to the web interface
Click on the Status button
Click Server Status
Click Edit Named User List
Edit the names of the users you want to be able to connect
Consult for more information
Cannot connect to specified URL (-132)
This issue generally occurs for users who run X-Win32 from behind a network proxy.
Manually activate the license from
Uncounted license on Terminal Server is disabled (-46)
For security reasons, StarNet disables nodelocked license activations on Terminal Servers. However, this error will also occur if a user tries to run X-Win32 through RDP. For users who use RDP to run X-Win32, contact StarNet Support with your order number and license key referencing this error to have a RDP enabled license extended to you.
Key already used
This error means that your key has already been activated a maximum number of times and you have no activations left. Please contact StarNet Support with your order number and license key for replacement options
Host not found
This error occurs if you cannot connect to the activation server. This may occur if you are running your application behind a proxy, or you are on a closed network.
Go to a machine which does has internet access and Manually Activate the license from
Connection refused at server (-111)
This error typically occurs if X-Win32 and FastX can find the license server, but cannot connect to the live server port (default 5053).
- Make sure the rlm license server is running on the license server host and/or FastX server host
- Users can use the following command to check
- ps –ef | grep rlm
- Users can use the following command to check
- Make sure your client is connecting to the proper port. The license server port is specified in the license.lic file. It should match the license server’s port (default 5053)
- Check your firewall configurations. The RLM server listens on 2 ports: the license server port (typically 5053) and the starnet ISV port (randomly assigned. See License Server Port for instructions to specify an ISV port number). Either of these ports may be blocked. Temporarily disable your license server firewall and attempt to reconnect. If the connection succeeds, then it is a firewall issue.
- Users can use the following commands to check
- nc iprlmserver 5053
- nc iprlmserver ISVPort
- Users can use the following commands to check
This error can also occur if the user registers X-Win32 with a floating/concurrent license instead of a node-locked license. Floating/concurrent licenses can only register the RLM license server. Click here for license description
HELLO message for wrong server (-107)
You will get this error message if your client connects to a port that is not running an RLM server.
RLM by default listens on TCP port 5053,
The client will also attempt to broadcast on UDP port 5053
The StarNet ISV port listens on TCP 57889
If you get this message try changing your license server port and then try again
Wrong host for license (-4)
The error indicates that the Host ID has changed from the registered Host ID. You can locate the active Host ID(s) through the software by going to Where are my Host ID(s). You can locate the registered Host ID(s) by opening the license file with notepad. Please go to License Location for your license file location.
System clock has been set back (-40)
You receive this error if you have recently changed your clock settings. RLM looks for future-dated files in system directories that have a lot of file activity. If a system ran with a future date for a short time, the number of files with the future date is minimal. Rebooting your system will usually fix the issue.
Requested version not supported (-6)
The version of X-Win32 (or FastX) that you are using is newer than your license supports. If you upgraded your maintenance you may have a new license key that has not yet been registered. Otherwise, you must download an older version of your program that your license has maintenance for.
License Debugging Logs
X-Win32 has the ability to run diagnostics on the licensing code by setting an environment variable.
Debugging Logs for X-Win32
- Click on the Start Menu > Run… > cmd
- Run the command:
set RLM_DIAGNOSTICS=C:\path\to\your\debug.log
- Note, this needs to be the full path to the debug log.
- The debug.log must be writable to the user
to the X-Win32 directory- Start xwin32 from the command line:
- Wait for any licensing error messages to occur, then exit X-Win32
rlm diagnostics will be written to the debug.log
Debugging Logs for the license server
License server logs are written to the log file that was specified when the server was installed (typically rlm.log in the rlm directory).