FastX install scripts

When installing the FastX server, admins should run the /usr/lib/fastx/ script to complete the installation.  For system admins who do not want to use the menu based system and want to integrate the FastX installation into their own scripts, the following programs are provided.

/usr/lib/fastx2/install/activate [–akey=activation_key] [–count=count]

Activates the license, puts the resulting license file in /usr/lib/fastx2/rlm/, and installs the RLM program as a system startup script.
Count may be “all” to activate all the licenses, or a decimal number. If akey and count parameters are specified, this script will not prompt the user.
An automated install script would normally be used in an environment with a centralized license server, so it should not call this script, but instead create a license file in /usr/lib/fastx/rlm/ that specifies the license server.

/usr/lib/fastx2/install/suggestions [-q]

Creates the suggestions file in /usr/lib/fastx2/config/suggestions.json.
If the suggestions file already exists, this will prompt to overwrite it, unless called with the “-q” option, in which case it will quietly exit. If called from an automated install script, either pass the “-q” option to not overwrite the suggestions file, or pass this script a stdin containing a single line with a “y” to force the file to be overwritten.
An automated installation script would normally just install a custom suggestions file.


Installs Node.js on the system, if at least version 0.12 is not already installed, creates a system startup script to run the FastX server, and (re)starts it. This figures out what package installation program to use based on the version of Linux. This script does not prompt, and passes the “-y” or “–assumeyes” arguments to yum or apt-get, so there should be no user input. Starting with FastX version 2.3, this script installs the FastX server as a unit file on a systemd system.
An automated installation script can just call this script directly.


Installs ImageMagick-perl or GraphicsMagick-perl, one of which is necessary for the FastX screenshot api. If this fails, it turns off screenshots in the FastX client configuration file. This script figures out the Linux version to determine the correct package manager to use. It passes the “-y” argument to the package manager tools, so it does not prompt the user.

Installation logs

Most of the FastX installation scripts log the results in /tmp/fastx_(pid) to help troubleshoot installation problems.