Using Self Signed Certificates with a Gateway

The FastX Gateway Installation, uses certificates to encrypt and authenticate data between the FastX Gateway Servers and the FastX Session Servers.  For security reasons, the use of self-signed certificates is disabled by default.  Communication between the FastX Gateway Server and FastX Session Server will be rejected.  However, IT admins may want to use self-signed certificates (for example, during testing or on a closed network).  FastX can be configured to allow self-signed certificates to be used in communication

FastX Gateway Server

  1. Edit the gateway-server.json file
  2. Set “rejectUnauthorized” to false
  3. Save gateway-server.json
  4. restart the fastx service (service fastx restart)

FastX Session Server

  1. Edit the session-server.json file
  2. Set “rejectUnauthorized” to false
  3. Save session-server.json
  4. restart the fastx service (service fastx restart)