X-Win32 System Requirements and Installation

Operating Systems

    • Windows XP SP2 or later
      *Direct2d rendering is available in Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 10 only.

*Windows Vista must be upgraded to Vista Service Pack 2 with the Platform Update installed.

*Floating Licenses are required for terminal server


    233 Mhz Processor


    64 MB RAM

Disk Space

    70 MB available Disk Space (32 MB minimum install)


    Double click on setup.exe to begin the installation. The setup wizard will guide you through the installation. It is recommended to perform a Complete Install. Users have the ability to install X-Win32 with no translations and a minimum set of fonts. Note that remote applications do may not function correctly without the proper fonts.

MSI Installation Options

    • Users with Floating Licenses have the option to download msi versions of the X-Win32 installer.

From the command line run:

msiexec  /qn /i “X-Win32.msi”