FastX 3 Server Sent Events

FastX 3 supports server sent events for real time updates.  Server sent events are available on many platforms and are defined in the W3C Living Standard 

Authentication is done using cookies or setting  the X-FASTX-TOKEN in the headers.

Server sent events are sent as strings.


Get updates of the current user’s sessions

Event: update

The session has been updated


Stringified JSON of the session object

Event: delete

The session is deleted


Stringified JSON of the session object



Get updates of the all users’s sessions.  The user connecting must be an admin

Event: update

The session has been updated


Stringified JSON of the session object

Event: delete

The session is deleted


Stringified JSON of the session object


Get updates of the all server data on the system.  The user connecting must be an admin

Event: update

The server data is updated


Stringified JSON of the server object

Event: delete

The server has been deleted


Stringified JSON of the server object