FastX Customize Client

This section is accessible by logging into FastX as an administrator through a web browser. Select the Admin icon after login.

  • Default Keyboard Layout – Choose the language of keyboard.
  • Hide Client Menu  – Check the box to hide the settings menu. This is useful for integrators who wish to implement their own UI elements.
  • Hide All Dialogs  – Check the box to hides any dialogs that may appear (usually on disconnect or error). This is useful for integrators who wish to implement their own UI elements.
  • Stop Message Propagation to iframe parent window – Check the box to disable messages from propagating to parent windows when the client is in an iframe.
  • Hide Home button in menu – Check the box to hide the home button in the menu.
  • Home button opens in the same window – Check the box to allow a user clicking the home button option in a session to open the url in the same window. This will disconnect the session.
  • Url of the home button – URL location of home button.

STUN Servers – One STUN Server per line