FastX 4 Configuration
FastX uses the following directories for configuration and data storage. All files are in human readable format, and can be edited by hand for easier integration with configuration management tools such as Puppet, Ansible, or Kubernetes ConfigMaps. Unless stated, assume files are in .ini file format.
can be overriden
Click here for notes on migrating from version 3.3
FX_CONFIG_DIR: /etc/fastx
Stores nonvolatile configuration.
Override the default location by setting FX_CONFIG_DIR
In a cluster configuration, this directory must be shared across the cluster.
The following files and directories are found within the FX_CONFIG_DIR directory.
- admin.secret: stores a secret for superadmin
- apps/<application>.ini: directory that stores apps. Each ini file is an application
- auth-oidc.ini: OpenID Connect configuration
- auth-proxy.ini: proxy authentication configuration
- auth-saml.ini: SAML configuration
- fastx.env: stores FastX configuration. Can be overridden by environment variables. This file is in the dotenv format.
- forward.ini: list of forwards to use for sessions
- headers.ini: HTTP headers
- https.ini: extra configuration for https servers
- loglevel.ini: file to create custom loggers
- FastX.conf: default paths where sessions look for and store information. This file has a special format (see the note in the link)
- forms/<form>.ini: directory that stores custom session forms. Each ini file is a custom form
- performance/<performance-setting>.ini: directory that stores performance settings. Each ini file is a performance setting
- smtp.ini: smtp configuration
- theme.ini: theme configuration
- transporter-secret.ini: transporter secret configuration
- permissions.ini: user permissions configuration
- weblink-secret.ini: file containing weblink authentication data
- weblink.ini: configuration for weblink clients
FX_VAR_DIR: /var/fastx
Stores volatile configuration
Override the default location by setting FX_VAR_DIR
In a cluster configuration, this directory must be shared across the cluster.
The following files and directories are found within the FX_VAR_DIR directory.
- fastx.crt: certificate file
- fastx.key: key file
- fastx.ca_bundle.crt: CA bundle file
- license/<license>.lic: license directory. Each .lic file is a license
- users/<user>: users directory
- apps/<app>.ini: user defined applications
- favorites.ini: user favorites
- id-object.ini: user object
- logins/<uuid>.json: directory that stores decoded login object. These files are in JSON format
- preferences.ini: user preferences
- public_keys: public keys directory. Multiple servers in the cluster write their keys to this directory
FX_LOCAL_DIR: /var/fastx/local
Stores configuration local to the server only.
Override the default location by setting FX_LOCAL_DIR
FX_LOCAL_DIR must be unique for each component
In a cluster configuration, this directory should be unique with each server. This directory may be mounted.
The following files and directories are found within the FX_LOCAL_DIR directory.
- socket.json: link connections read this file. Should not be edited by admins
- fastx.key: private key for webserver. Generated by the webserver
- fastx.cert: self signed certificate for webserver. Generated by the webserver
Temp directory.
Used in certain circumstances for communication between different users.
Override the default location by setting FX_TEMP_DIR
In a cluster configuration, this directory should be unique with each server. This directory must be on the local system
.env file: /usr/lib/fastx/4/.env
FastX will use the dotenv standard to customize the locations of the above directories. The dotenv file is located in /usr/lib/fastx/4/.env. This file is also used for a non-root installation.
systemd service: /usr/lib/systemd/system/fastx4.service
The fastx4-server package will include the systemd unit files in /usr/lib/systemd/system. An installation will automatically enable and start the fastx4 service
After making changes to this file run sudo systemctl daemon-reload
fastx4.service environment file: /etc/sysconfig/fastx4
You can override systemd variables by creating and editing the /etc/sysconfig/fastx4 file.
After making changes to this file run sudo systemctl daemon-reload