Nodelocked License Activation

Nodelocked licenses are tied to the physical hardware of the machine they are installed on. Each machine activates one license. Once activated, Nodelocked licenses can run independently and they do not need a connection to a license server. Licenses can be activated either automatically through the product itself, or manually through the web page.

Automatic License Activation

You can activate a nodelocked license from inside the application (X-Win32 or FastX)


  1. Start X-Win32
  2. Right Click on the System Tray Icon
  3. Select Help > Activate License
  4. Choose The Activation Key drop down menu item
  5. Enter in your Nodelocked Activation Key, an Press OK


  1. Start FastX
  2. Select Help > Register
  3. Choose The Activation Key drop down menu item
  4. Enter in your Nodelocked Activation Key, an Press OK

X-Win32 and FastX will automatically attempt to connect to the activation server, which will generate a license.

If an error occurs please try activating manually through the license web activation page

Activating Through the License Activation Web Page

Manual activation is for those users who are on a closed network, or had trouble activating their license. X-Win32 can be activated via the web from any computer (not just the one the application is installed on) provided that you have your Activation Key and hostid(s) available. Then the license file can be transferred over to the original machine.

Generating the License File

  1. Go to
  2. Enter in your Activation Key. Press Next
  3. Enter in the hostid(s) of the system you want to register. Press Submit
  4. Press the Download button and save the file with a .lic extension (the file name can be changed, but it must end in a .lic extension)

Installing the License File on X-Win32

  1. Transfer the license file to the machine you would like to register
  2. Start X-Win32
  3. Right Click on the System Tray Icon
  4. Select Help > Activate License
  5. Choose The License File drop down menu item
  6. Browse for the .lic file. Press OK

Your license File will be transferred to its proper location for a single user.

License File Locations

Product User Location
X-Win32 Individual (Windows Vista and 7) %LOCALAPPDATA%\StarNet\X-Win32\license.lic
X-Win32 Individual (Windows XP) %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\StarNet\X-Win32\license.lic
X-Win32 All Users %PROGRAMFILES%\StarNet\X-Win32 Version\license.lic
X-Win32 All Users (64 bit Windows) %PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\StarNet\X-Win32 Version\license.lic